Saturday, December 30, 2017


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
"Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" Philippians 4:6

Verses that I have read before and each time they bring new meaning.  As Tyler and Erin get ready to embark on new life adventures, I feel Robby and I are also.  I could have never imagined how hard it is to let your children grow up.  How hard it is to let them go.  How hard it is to give them away and trust God to protect them.  I dedicated their lives when they were babies to God.  This time in my life, I feel this is the real test, to see my trust in the dedication of God's love.  First test, Since they have been gone to college and now traveling to the other side of the world (second test). 
I pray, as tears well up in my eyes, knowing they are protected by Him, but that I still have fears and worries.  God please forgive me when my faith fades at times.  The world is a scary and dangerous place.  As a parent, I want to protect them, ALWAYS. My prayer time has gotten intense lately!
So, I am excited for them and their new adventures and experiences.  I will be living through those adventures by pictures and stories they will tell when they return.  It is not only a hard time but an exciting time to be a parent.  I love every part of being their mom.  And I know they get tired of me saying it but I say it anyway, I LOVE Y0U!

Love to all,

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wanting a change

Have you ever just wanted a change?  Not sure what kind but just something? Well, I turned 50 and felt like I needed something.  It seems like on my big birthdays I do something crazy.  At 30, I had twins, at 40, I got a tattoo and now at 50 I colored my hair.  Yes, that is what I said, and I went blonde! Not sure what I was thinking, but I did it.  That was 3 weeks ago and it still isn't growing on me.  I will go in the bathroom in the mornings after waking up and look in the mirror and scare myself!  I would think "who is this person"! 

So tonight I colored it again. It is still blonde but like a dark blonde, NOT white yellow blonde.  I feel so much more better.  You can't really tell from the picture, but it is darker but not as dark as I use to be.  I am much happier.

Sometimes change isn't what we need, but what we need is to accept and be content with what we have.  I think that is what I have learned from this.  To be content with who I am and not try to change that.  God has made me the way he wants me to be and has given me the talents that he wants me to use.  I should not try to change this.

Hebrews 13:5, "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

2 Corinthians 2:10, "For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

Love to all,

Sunday, November 19, 2017

How many are living the life on mission?

Today, I heard God again speaking to me through my pastor.  Yes, God speaks to me through many different ways.  He gives he a word or thought about things that I have been praying about or struggling with.  No, I am not crazy, even though I act that way sometimes.
Today, my word was mission.  I have been praying about my trip that is coming up in 3 months and for our team to be blessed and to be prepared.  Not everyone can go on mission whether it is a short term trip like mine or to go and spend their life in the mission field like some people I know that have done this.
If I had the passion for mission early in my life, I wonder what my life would be like.  Would I have gone and followed this way or would my life be like it is now.  I love going on mission and going to help people and show and tell them about Jesus' love.
Don't be a bystander. I learned about the bystander affect today.  This is: everyone assumes that the other person will do something, believes that there is nothing that you can do, and being afraid to get involved.
I couldn't do these trips without the support of my family and friends.  It's hard being separated from Robby and the kids for those 2-3 weeks.  I sometimes feel that this is a break for them too so they can get refreshed when I come back!  But not everyone can go.  All I ask is:
1. Pray.  pray for me and our team.  Pray that we raise enough money, that our team is big enough, and that God will use us for his plan.  Pray that if you have this on your heart to go, that you have the courage to follow through with it.  If you do not feel the calling to go, pray to have the courage to SEND someone that is called.
2. Send.  It takes money for us to go and to get our supplies.  So if you do not feel the calling, send someone.
3. GO.  If you feel that God has placed this on your heart, then go.  Take that leap of faith and GO.

Jesus taught about going out on mission to the disciples, "The harvest is great but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." Matthew 9: 37-38. I take that leap of faith every year and I have never regretted the decision to follow God's calling.

Love to all,

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Where did I go?

Over the last week, Robby and I have been putting our old videos of the kids onto the computer.  It has been fun watching all of these memories.  It has brought so many smiles to our faces and laughter of the memories we have placed in the back of our minds.  But as I watch these videos, I ask myself, where did I go?  I have changed over the coarse of my children's life.  I feel I am a totally different person.  Yes, I am older, so I have experienced more which can change me.  But I see myself in those videos so happy, so full of energy, so much patience and laughter.  What happened?  If I had a wish right now, I wish to get that back. It makes me sad to think that I have put some things before what should be more important here lately.  A lot has happened in the last 20 years, a lot of wonderful and a few things not so wonderful.  Robby and I and the kids have survived and I just pray that I continue to be the mother and wife they love and remember. 
So how do I get back to how I was in those memories?  Not sure, but I am going to work on it.  Work on smiling more, having more laughter in my life, giving more love and positivity in my life.  Just as God has blessed me, I hope to bless others.
For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord. Habakkuk 2:14.

Love to all, 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

fighting the battle

I feel someone needs to hear this, so I am going to say it. (You know I can't keep my mouth shut!!)

It is never easy, no matter what battle you are fighting.  But with cancer, it is never ending.  You see, no one is ever cancer free, you are just in remission.  Staying well and healthy is a lifetime process.  A process that isn't easy.  But nothing that is worth while is ever easy. 
So my sisters and brothers that are fighting the battle, keep fighting and stay strong.  Never give up.

Psalm 16:8; I have set the lord continually before me; because he is at my right hand, I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN.

Love to all,

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Forever love

Back to normal.  Well I guess it's time to get back to a normal routine and back to work.   It seems weird not having my grandma around anymore.  All the memories that she has given me, I will cherish.  But now it's time to move on.  Thank you to all my family and friends who  have been a huge support me and my family during this time of grieving.  I wish you could have known my grandma the way I have.  You would have truly loved her.  She has taught me many things and help mold me into the person I am today.
1 Corinthians 4:8-10, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed; and always carrying around in the body the death of the Lord Jesus, that also the life of Jesus might be expressed in our bodies."

Love to all,

Monday, October 2, 2017


Fear. Sometimes I am afraid.  I would have to say most of the time I have fear. I am afraid of spiders, snakes, scary movies, really high places to name a few.  Light when you look over the ledge of a building and your stomach decides to do jumping jacks...I hate that feeling! Or I have a memory of my grandma Wix at the farm when I was a teenager.  She was out in the garden and started hollering for my uncle.  When we got out there, there was a very HUGE snake in the tree.  Well we killed it and it was like 6ft long!  Or that time on my Honduras mission in 2016 with my introduction to our wolf spider.  Didn't like that introduction in my bathroom! But these are fears that can be overcome (or at least I hope so!), right??? 
The fears that are hard to overcome for me is fear of death. Am I going to die soon?  What will I do if Robby dies?  What if something happens to my kids, to my parents?  This is a fear that is sometimes hard to overcome.  But.....and there is always a but, Jesus said to fear not.  He said it 365 times in the Bible. He also said to trust in him and to lean on him in the hard times. 
Even though we can't see him, HIS presence is always felt.  So when you have fear, FEAR NOT, because HE is with you.  Cast all your worries on him.

Jesus said: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Love to all,

Friday, September 15, 2017

Making a Difference

Have you ever wondered if you make a difference in someone's life? I want to make a difference in peoples lives, whether it be through my many roles as a wife, mom, nurse, daughter and through my witness of God's amazing love and forgiveness for me.  A LOT of the times, you will never hear about what you have done for a stranger or someone you know.  But every once in a while, you will hear it.  Sometimes it is straight to your face and sometimes you may hear it indirectly.
Now, don't get me wrong.  We are not to live to do nice and wonderful things for people for the attention of it.  You are to do these things in private and out of love.  But it is nice once in a while to be recognized.  I have recently had this experience and it gave me the right amount of encouragement to continue on my path. Last week, I finally got to meet someone I would call a friend, even though it was our first time meeting.  I first started talking with her about 2 years ago when we shared the same common illness....cancer.  She wanted some advice and encouragement and I was able to help.  On our meeting, she gave me the encouragement to continue to share my life experiences to help others with life's ups and downs.  I wouldn't have thought that my life, craziness and experiences would ever help anyone.  And sometimes it can bring entertainment to others.  But that's ok, I can laugh at myself.
God's words in Mark 10:49 say "Take Heart, Get UP, HE is calling you."  To go forward means you have to go every day and take your cross and go out into the world. God is with you through it all, the good, the bad and the ugly.  But we persevere and we push on because that is something that we have to do no matter how we feel.  I remember pushing through my cancer treatments and how the many feelings that I was going through would just bring me down.  Cancer still hasn't left my memory.  It lingers like a dagger ready to stab my heart.  Cancer has taken so much from me, but I refuse, as you all out there struggling with it, REFUSE to let it take more of your life.
You may feel tired, so tired that you feel you can't push on.  Do not be discouraged by your limitations.  God uses our weakness for HIS good.  Push through, and give it up to God to take control.  Once you have let go of it, and let God control, everything will fall into place.

Romans 10:13; "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved."

Love to all,

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

saying goodbye again

It is so hard for me when the kids have to go back to school after being home all summer.  I joke about how ready I am for them to go back, but in reality, it is hard and I am going to miss them.  (I am really  happy about having a clean and neat house back though)
We started packing Erin's stuff today.  Most of my car and her car is packed full with her stuff.  Tyler moves in Saturday so I will have to do this all over again then!! But Erin has a lot more stuff than Tyler.  I think that is a girl thing!
I think college is a prep for parents when we send our kids off on their own.  Both of mine are traveling abroad this winter and will have internships next summer.  Oh my!  It is hard for me to believe that they are old enough to be adults to do this.  My stress level will be a 10+ this winter.
My prayers for them are for safety, wisdom, patience and calmness in their daily walks and activities.
These verses are for them but also for me and other parents sending off their kids to school.

Ephesians 6:10 "Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."
1 Corinthians 16:13, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

Love to all,

Saturday, August 5, 2017

growing older

Yes the title is growing older, not getting older.  Theres a difference.  I am not getting older because that would mean I get something out of it.  I don't get anything out of getting older other than feeling old and people calling me mam.  Growing older implies that I am maturing and becoming wiser.  I would hope that I am growing older by my definition. My birthday will soon be here (November- shhh), and I will be _________ years old!  It's getting here.  Isn't is funny how the older we get, the more we concentrate on the number of the years?? I find myself putting more attention on what my body can't do anymore than what I can do.  As I have gotten older, God has given the ability to can- to listen more than to always talk.  He has given me the knowledge to can pickles!  He has given me some ability to cook better (even though I don't like to cook!)  And I know this because my kids are now eating my dinners! But he has also opened me up to new ideas and more courage than I ever had when I was younger.  I have been given the ability to understand more and have more empathy to understand others.  Some may call this maturity.  Call it what you want, I think it is God growing me into the woman he wants me to be.
So as my birthday approaches, I will accept that I will be 50 years old.  I may feel older than this on some days, but on most days, I am smiling and thankful for those pangs and aches.  It just reminds me that I am alive! And I have 3 more months left to be the younger 49!
"Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

Love to all,

Monday, July 31, 2017

Keep the Faith

I always think I have a strong faith in what God says he is going to do.  But then there are times when that doubt creeps in.  It's hard to not let it creep and plant that seed of doubt.  But it can happen.  I should have never doubted that God would pull be through.  He has pulled me through a lot in my lifetime so far, so why would I doubt him??  Well, I was fearing what my lab work would look like last week.  I feared those dreaded words, (booming voice inserted here) YOU ARE DIABETIC.  Well, God showed me that I wasted all that energy on fear when I should have just trusted.  My labs were AMAZING!! (angels singing in the background!!)  I am so happy.  All this exercise and trying to eat right is paying off.  Now I just wish I could loose some of this extra weight! But that will come.  I TRUST that!
Philippians 4:6

Love to all,

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Listen and GO

Ever feel that nudge to do something?  Something you think God is telling you to do and you feel like it's just in your mind.  Then that nudge never goes away.  The thought of what you need to do stays with you and doesn't go away.  I have had this feeling that God is calling me for a certain task and I just keep pushing it aside.  I have tried to ignore it but He keeps nudging me to the point that I think I have a bruise!!
 Today, I heard it again......"Autumn, this is what I want you to do. " (big clap of thunder, please).  I heard that thunder and felt that big push on my conscious.  And I said, just like all the others God asked to lead in the Bible...."But I know nothing in this area of need and I would do more harm than good."  Then God answered this through Dave in our sermon.


SERVE others, give to others my LOVE.  It is a privilege and responsibility of all believers to serve others.  I must look at it as a JOY and EXPECTATION of Christ to serve others.
Well, there you have it.  God never said that when he asks you to follow that it would be easy.  He never said that he would put you in a place to serve in an area that you would be comfortable with it.
As a matter of fact, God puts us in places that will take us out of our comfort zone, places that show others that we are human and that God is working through us through our actions. Where we are weak, God shows that he is stronger.  I have had this experience before.  I was weak and wanted pity parties when I was battling cancer.  But God showed how strong I could be through it all.  In my weakness, he was stronger.
Philippians 2: 3-4,"in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

Love to all,

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Have you ever seen those picture memes that have a picture of someone really cute working out and then below it it has someone else doing it all wrong and the caption says- what I think I look like working out and what I actually look like.  Well that is true to me. If that gets me up and going to stay healthy, then I prefer to think of myself as the one looking good while exercising!  All the while I have legs and arms swinging everywhere, fat giggling all over, hair sticking out and frizzy, but I'm doing it! And, well, that's one way to get those cute guys to look at me!! haha
I can only imagine that I look funny to others that really look good.  But they had to start somewhere and I am sure they were not as flexible or strong as they are now when they started.
So I joined a gym.  My doctor tells me I need to loose this weight or my health will continue to spiral down.  I don't want that to happen.  I feel good, but just because I do doesn't mean I am healthy.  I need whip myself into shape.  I will be 50 this year!! I want to look good and feel good!!
I find out my lab work this week.  I can't lie, I'm a little nervous about it.  Do you ever get this feeling in your gut about things?  I do, a lot.  I got it when I got pregnant, I knew I was and I was! I got this feeling when I was diagnosed with cancer.  I just knew it was there. So I got this feeling again, and I feel my labs are going to be up (my blood sugar and cholesterol).  If it is, I can't blame anyone but myself.  I should be taking better care of myself, and maybe this is the kick in the butt I need.  So I am here to start this better, healthier me.
So what I say to all my friends out there that read my blog,  DON'T GIVE UP.  We all have gone through different trials.  My trials are different than yours, but we are strong.  DON'T GIVE UP!
Trust God, have faith.  Love.  If you don't know Jesus, then message me and I will introduce you to him.  (facebook- autumn wix chapman)
Jeremiah 17:7-8, "But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence in is him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Love to all,

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad.  To some it is yummy fruit all mixed up in a bowl.  To my family, fruit salad means fun and everybody is going to get wet!

It all started many years ago, when my Aunt Vickie brought a cooler and told everyone she brought the fruit salad.  After we ate, she said it was time for the fruit salad and she broke out the cooler.  Little did us kids know, that she was going to start throwing water balloons!  It is one of the great memories I have with my family as a kid.  So now every year we have a cookout, we all ask if Aunt Vickie is going to bring her fruit salad.  The little ones now are just now beginning to understand what it means.
Yesterday, me and my brother David had a great time with it.  We started stashing some of the balloons on the deck while the kids and other adults were filling them up.  We were able to get a good stash of them before they noticed.  Then we started bombing them from the deck!  They never had a chance!  The winner of the bombing is under investigation though.  I say me and my brother won the "war", but the kids say they won!  All in all, it was a wonderful time and I was able to live out my childhood once again with David, even if it was only for about 15 minutes.
I love my family.  I feel I have an amazing family.  And I had another amazing day with them yesterday.
I also got the privilege of saying grace before dinner.  This is a honor to me to be asked to do this for my family.  Thanks dad!  I also got to see many of my family that I have not seen in a very long time and some of our adopting family came out too.  It was great having everyone together for one day.

"But is a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to out their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God" 1 Timothy 5:4

Love to all,

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Today is our family cookout!  I will get to see family I haven't seen in a long time!!It is always fun to get with my family and extended family.  My dad likes to play on me being naive and joke around.  One time he had me looking at his fake hawk statue for a long time telling me it was real while everyone else was laughing! I finally realized it was fake.  Great memories!  I have caught onto him and his shenanigans, but Erin is still learning and I think she will fall to his jokes today!!

Update on doctor appointment:  Its all good!  Mammogram clear!  I am in year 5 since my breast cancer diagnosis and I was told that I have to wait 10 years to be considered cleared of all cancer. So I have 5 more grueling years of taking this medicine and getting poked and prodded.  But If it means being healthy and ALIVE, then God has more time to use me for his purpose!

I was looking at my blog stats this morning.  I have always wondered if blogging makes a difference in someone else's life.  I know this blog helps me and it is just my thoughts.  So if no one reads it, that's ok.  But on my stats page, it will show how many people view my blog and where they are.  I have had people from all over the world view my blog!!  Amazing!! I guess that is why it is called the world wide web.  So I guess this answers my question,  people are viewing it and if anything, they are seeing at least one verse of God's word and seeing God's glory work through my life.  I LOVE IT!
So I will continue to blog my life.  Ups and downs, Happiness and Sadness.  I will let my light shine before others (Matthew 5:16).
Love to all,

Friday, June 23, 2017

Sharing from Honduras

Here is my share time experience that I gave at church a few weeks ago in case you didn't make it.
1 John 4:13-15, "This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his spirit.  and we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.  If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God."


 Hello, I am Autumn Chapman and one of the 3 nurses that conducted the medical clinics.
 I want to first introduce you to Greg and Jean in case you haven’t meant them yet.  They are wonderful people who have left the United States to go live in La Campa Honduras among the people there and show them God’s love. It is through them, that we are able to go out and help them with this mission.
2017 was our second year to provide medical clinics.  Our clinics consisted of 3 nurses, 3 working the pharmacy/medication administrations, and 3 that were our runners for the nurses.  This was a new job added, in that, it aided the nurses to be with the people seeking help while the medications were being prepared and bagged for them and it worked out wonderfully. Also our team consists of a local pastor that serves at the ministry table which is the last step and as a check out for each patient. At this point, the gospel is shared and every person is prayed for. Typically notes are made on the registration form and referenced for follow up home visits as part of the continuing community outreach. We met a lot of spiritual attacks this year, but this just tells me that we are doing what God has meant for us to do.
 We held 4 clinics this year.  Each day in a different town.  We treated a total of 404 patients. Most of the things we treated were allergies, fever, ear, eye and lung infections, stomach problems. We saw lots of kids and babies this year too. Here is the breakdown of each clinic.
 Monday, we went to Arcamon and saw 142 patients. This is a community where there is no evangelical church that Greg and Jean started visiting in Jan 2016.  Since then they have visited the schools with three different teams.  One team visit was in conjunction with our Medical clinic.  The director has invited us back and Greg and Jean will continue to go and plant seeds.  They also continue house visits or door to door evangelism which goes much slower but it is intentional to continue to follow up with families, to share the love of Jesus and pray with them.  Our visits are coordinated with a local pastor, Pastor Jorge, and his leadership team. Our team also showed the Jesus film after our clinics that evening.  The electricity went out and they had to use the generator.  It was sitting on Empty on the gas tank and they were not sure if it would last the 2 hours for the film but our God is great!  The film was able to show throughout and we were able to witness to the people there.  I think of Galatians 6:9. Please pray all of us do not grow weary and continue to go as long as God is directing us there.
Tuesday we were at Coalaca and saw 117 patients. This is a very special community for Greg and Jean. Pastor Jorge (pastor in Aracmon) was mentoring here with Pastor Arnoldo who was holding house church. Their first visit was August 2015. As they all set under a tree talking and praying about a church plant there was a peace that came over them.  In March 2016, our team helped build the church as well as conduct our first medical clinic and children's ministry here.  One lady walked over an hour from her home in Aracmon that we visited the day before to this clinic because she was not able to be seen there.  There is not too many doctors in this area and free medical care is a must.  This year we were able to continue sharing God's love in this community with another medical clinic, children's ministry and attend services at the church.
Wednesday, we went to Olo Minas and saw 80 patients in their small church.  This is a small community of about 40 families.  An evangelical church was planted there in 2013 and pastored by Marco Antonio. Please pray for him as he continues to minister to this community that is wide spread across the land and appears spiritually dry.  This is community that we visited in 2016 and held our ladies’ ministry.  We were able to touch some of the ladies’ hearts with our testimonies.
Thursday, we visited Mezcalillo and saw 65 patients.  This community had the biggest impact on me.  We were anticipating on seeing approximately 300 people. We were only able to see and help a few people there but I know our impact there will leave a giant foot print for furture visits.  Another community we started visiting January 2016 that did not have an evangelical church. However, on Greg and Jean’s last house visit they met a family of believers and God has moved quickly in this community. Our team helped with the church plant in addition to the clinic, children's ministry and showing of the Jesus film.  Greg, Meily and Jen went and made a house visit to a young man named Reuben.  He is 20 years old and paralyzed and bed ridden. He has not been out of the house or his bed since October.  They were able to attend to his bed sores and witness to him Gods love.  His heart was touched and is accepting Christ.  If our trip was meant for just Rueben to accept Christ, then it is all worth it.  All of this has not been without opposition or spiritual attack and we felt it very strong with this clinic.  With Jesus the battle is already won and we have the victory in Him. Please pray for Greg and Jean and they continue God's work in this community.

Love to all,

Saturday, May 20, 2017

life can be a mess

It's been a while since I have been on here.  Lots has happened but that is just how life is.  Yes, life can sometimes be a mess in many different ways.
Erin and Tyler came home this week from college.  My house was a mess.  It was like those shows on TV about the hoarders.  I had clothes, bedding, kitchen stuff, just everything from their dorms in my hall ways and living room.  I am happy and blessed that they made it through their second year of college and that they are home.  BUT I am use to having my home somewhat clean and not this messy!! It is now Saturday and there is still all kinds of stuff down here but on the bright side, I can walk through the house.
I will get this all cleaned up today while the kids are out of the house doing things with their friends.
Isn't it that way with life.  I mess up.  I pray and smile and get my day off with good intentions to be like Christ and live how I should, but I mess up.  Somewhere in my day, that devil gets in me and knows what buttons to push and my day turns black.  What I do is let this blackness consume me and the result is frustration, sarcasm, impatience and I am not thinking straight.  The light I want to shine is covered by this attitude I have.
If I would slow down when this happens and realize what is happening then I can overcome this.  I have been through a lot in my life up to now and I should know by now how to handle this.  But satan knows how to deceive us.
Just like I am going to clean up my mess in my house, God is there to help clean us up.  He is always there to give us GRACE and FORGIVENESS.  We just have to ACCEPT this gift he is giving us.  It is hard to be humble and admit you were wrong and made the mess.  But God is there to pick us up and help us on our feet.  And when we can't walk, he will carry us.

So my messes I make, which pretty much is everyday, I know that God understands and he is there to help me get through my messes and help me stay on the path he has for me.

1 John 4:4 says "You are from God and have OVERCOME them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

Love to all,

Sunday, April 2, 2017


This is long, but worth the read about my trip.

As I reflect on my week in Honduras, I feel happy and overjoyed.  I miss being there and having to get back into my "normal" everyday life.  The week was busy but it was great and rewarding for me and the team as well as for the people we served.  God calls us to be servants, as he was a servant to others. Today at church, I was taught that Jesus served many and call us to serve.  To serve the rich, the poor, the sick and the desperate. So the clinics we had in Honduras, we saw many people.  But, you see, it is not about the numbers of how many we have seen, but the lives we touched by showing God's love and mercy.  One story sticks out to me.  I did not experience it personally but one of the other nurses did, Jen.  Greg (our leader missionary there), asked if she would go with him for a house call. When Greg asks you to do something like this, the first thing you think of is "what are we getting into!"  But he only has the best thoughts for the people there.  So you trust God and go. Like we did setting off from Louisville in a plane to a different country.  So Jen went and this is Ruben's story.
Ruben had a girlfriend in a different village.  Last October, he went to visit her and her ex-boyfriend shot him which left him paralyzed.  He has been bed ridden ever since.  Since he has been home, (which I am not sure when he got home from the hospital), he has been in his bed, not taken out of his dark room.  He is depressed and getting bed sores.  And oh, he is only 20 years old.  So our team went to visit him.  Give him and his family medical care.  His sister has been taking care of him and doing a good job of it.  Meily, our translator and a member of our team, witnessed to him, prayed over him and with him and told him about the love of Jesus.  He accepted this love and Christ.  If he was the only one to accept Christ that week we were there, then it was all worth it.  God has a plan and we do not know his plans, but we know the ending!
So, my trip may have been for me to go and do the clinics, but my JOB was to witness for Christ.  And I was just a small part of our mission.  With all the parts together (leaders, drivers, nurses, workers for pharmacy, and the pastors), none of this would have been a successful trip.  I take comfort knowing that Reuben came to know Christ and will grown and learn more in his love for Jesus.  So I rejoice and so should you.  Every year this trip and the people I encounter change my life.  I pray I have made a difference in their life too.  I was reunited with some old friends and made some new ones.  The reunion next year will be glorious (in part because Olympia will have her baby!).
So I just want to say a big THANK YOU, to everyone who supported me financially and prayerfully.  God truly provides and and he loves us all.
Will you answer the call to his will?

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

Love to all,

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Listening to God

Well I am up again at 2am when I have to be at work at 7:30 for a class.  I guess God is wanting to talk.  I wonder why he always wakes me up to talk while I'm sleeping! My guess is because I am not giving him much of my time during my waking hours that he nudges me at night.  So I am here, praying for our team in Honduras for their safety and for them to do many good works, watching the sermon from last weekend on grace and just thinking. I sure do fill my life with things that are a waste of time.  Facebook, TV, email to just name a few but they take a lot of my time.  A lot of time that I could be praying or helping others.  I wonder what the world would be like if we all got up off our couch or chairs and actually did something. I bet this world would be a lot better!
We worry about trivial things and it consumes our life.  If we would just give all of that to
God and spend time with him, our worries would be more manageable and we would be happier.
May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5

Love to all,

Monday, January 16, 2017


Thoughts today.  I am known by a lot of things.  A daughter, nurse, wife, mother, friend to name a few.  I love spending time with Robby and the kids.  Robby and I went to see the kids at school and went to church and lunch.  It was a good time. Being a wife and mom is the best job I have ever had.  It is a hard job being a mom, but I love it.  I worry a lot about the kids and being on their own, but I know God will watch over them.  They are smart and good kids who have grown into  an amazing man and woman.  I just live through them and their experiences!  I am excited for them and what their life holds.
So all my friends out there that are getting ready to start your family or have already had your babies, get ready for the ride of your life.  It is an adventure.

I also have one more important title....I am a child of God.  We all are children of God and are adopted into his family.  His love is unconditional, just like a mothers love.  He will love you no matter what you have done.  He is there for you with his arms opened wide.  You just need to come to him.

1 John 3:1, "See what the great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!"

Love to all,