WOW. That's all I have to say. A lot has been happening in the last few weeks. But I can officially say, I have a new job! I am now a nurse manager. I am so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I never thought I would want to do something like this. If you would have asked me 3 years ago, I would say no. I am excited about the new journey with some great people in the unit.
I have been blessed.
Christmas is today and as my family remembers the birth of Jesus and all the gifts and blessings God has given us, my heart is full. Then as we open our gifts, I am surprised at what "santa" brought. Needless to say, my husband does most of the shopping for the kids. And I watched as they opened up their new Rugers handgun! So now my next move is to get us into a gun safety class.
Now with Christmas today and the new year coming, it's time to reflect on what we have been given and what will come. I know 2019 will be another wonderful and amazing year with lots of new memories.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,
This is my life journey, through the highs and lows. I hope it is a witness to all how we can have outstanding faith in our God through good and bad times. I would hope that those reading my thoughts and experiences will come to love Jesus as much as I love him no matter what is going on in our lives..................Autumn
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Another year
Another birthday has come and gone. I told Erin that once you get over 50, then your birthdays go in reverse and that we would soon be the same age! She didn't think that was funny, I did!
It seems every year I am asked, "do I feel old?" Well, I would think as with anyone, that we all start to feel the aches and pains of getting older and have to make concessions, but I really don't feel old. The way I really feel is that in my mind I am still in my 30's and can do anything. I don't feel 51 and I certainly don't think I look 51! Maybe 32!
But I take getting older seriously. When we get older, we have more experiences to learn from. I have been blessed with so many things and have had so many experiences, good and bad to learn from. My experiences have made me the person I am today.
I am trying to accept this new concept in my life. The concept that I am now the teacher, mentor and not the student. People look to me for advice, guidance, support. This doesn't mean that I still don't need this,(and God knows I am a hot mess sometimes), but I freely give it more to others.
Getting older is a privilege that we sometimes forget. It comes with good and not so good experiences but isn't life just that? I am looking forward to experiencing as I get older: seeing my kids grow and have families, being with my husband and experiencing life with him, new experiences as a nurse and seeing where my career takes me, expanding and doing more with missions in Honduras.
What I do not look forward to is: more aches and pains, losing weight is harder (it takes more workouts to get where I used to be 10 years ago!), my kids moving out and away from me, death.
But I know I am in God's plan. He knows what I will do before I even do it. So I do not fear getting older, but I embrace it and all that comes with it, good and not so good.
Job 22:28; "What you decide on will be done, and LIGHT WILL SHINE ON YOUR WAYS."
Love to all,
It seems every year I am asked, "do I feel old?" Well, I would think as with anyone, that we all start to feel the aches and pains of getting older and have to make concessions, but I really don't feel old. The way I really feel is that in my mind I am still in my 30's and can do anything. I don't feel 51 and I certainly don't think I look 51! Maybe 32!
But I take getting older seriously. When we get older, we have more experiences to learn from. I have been blessed with so many things and have had so many experiences, good and bad to learn from. My experiences have made me the person I am today.
I am trying to accept this new concept in my life. The concept that I am now the teacher, mentor and not the student. People look to me for advice, guidance, support. This doesn't mean that I still don't need this,(and God knows I am a hot mess sometimes), but I freely give it more to others.
Getting older is a privilege that we sometimes forget. It comes with good and not so good experiences but isn't life just that? I am looking forward to experiencing as I get older: seeing my kids grow and have families, being with my husband and experiencing life with him, new experiences as a nurse and seeing where my career takes me, expanding and doing more with missions in Honduras.
What I do not look forward to is: more aches and pains, losing weight is harder (it takes more workouts to get where I used to be 10 years ago!), my kids moving out and away from me, death.
But I know I am in God's plan. He knows what I will do before I even do it. So I do not fear getting older, but I embrace it and all that comes with it, good and not so good.
Job 22:28; "What you decide on will be done, and LIGHT WILL SHINE ON YOUR WAYS."
Love to all,
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Open to new experiences
Everyone knows that with age comes experience. And as you get older, you get to have a lot of new experiences. I have had my share, but nothing like the one I had a few weeks ago. It is taking me this long to talk about it. So your wondering what this experience is? Let me just say, according to all the doctors, we are all to have this experience once we reach age 50. Yes, it is the lovely "colonoscopy"!!
I have been putting it off for a while. I was not afraid of the actual procedure. What I was dreading was the prep. You know, the colon cleanse! I even went as far as cancelling my appointment and rescheduling it for a later date. Well, that date came.
So I started my cleanse the day before. I went to the store and did a little shopping before I started. On my list, baby butt wipes, sprite, jello, broth. Having clear liquids for a whole day is hard! And I feel for babies. Those dang butt wipes......they don't work. The clear liquid diet, hard as it was, the jello was amazing!
When it came for the prep, my instructions were to drink one 16 oz prep the evening before and the other one the morning of the procedure. The first one I got down. And it works really fast. All I have to say is be ready. There is no time to play once you drink it!
But the next day, I had to drink this nasty stuff again. It DOES NOT taste like sprite! And I only got half of it down before my stomach started to revolt and decide it wasn't going to take anymore. My stomach started to push it back up and out! Wrong way to come out.
My husband took me to the hospital for this procedure. I really don't know why doctors tell you a time to be there, when you know good and well that this isn't the time you will be seen. Same for this day. I showed up at 12:30 and didn't get seen til 1:30. And remember, I haven't eaten anything since the day before, so I was really hangry. For some reason they had trouble with my IV, something about being dehydrated from the prep and my veins decided to hide, so this delayed it longer. Finally, they got the IV after about 4 needle sticks and off to the suite where I will lose my virginity. The doctor was sweet and had a nice smile, and he said he would be gentle.
Then, I woke up. That's all I remember. And my reward. A giant hamburger! It was the best burger I have had.
My doctor tells me that everything looked good and the report on the polyp they found is negative for anything bad. This is good. I wasn't even thinking about anything like that until afterward when he said he found that polyp. I'm glad, because I would have obsessed over it. Once you have gone through the cancer diagnosis, everything is an obsession if it could be something like this again. Well, I don't have to do this again for another 10 years, hallelujah!
So, if it is your time to have this done, my advice prepared. It is an experience like no other. Don't be afraid, your God will be with you, and will be with you when you get your results.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Love to all,
I have been putting it off for a while. I was not afraid of the actual procedure. What I was dreading was the prep. You know, the colon cleanse! I even went as far as cancelling my appointment and rescheduling it for a later date. Well, that date came.
So I started my cleanse the day before. I went to the store and did a little shopping before I started. On my list, baby butt wipes, sprite, jello, broth. Having clear liquids for a whole day is hard! And I feel for babies. Those dang butt wipes......they don't work. The clear liquid diet, hard as it was, the jello was amazing!
When it came for the prep, my instructions were to drink one 16 oz prep the evening before and the other one the morning of the procedure. The first one I got down. And it works really fast. All I have to say is be ready. There is no time to play once you drink it!
But the next day, I had to drink this nasty stuff again. It DOES NOT taste like sprite! And I only got half of it down before my stomach started to revolt and decide it wasn't going to take anymore. My stomach started to push it back up and out! Wrong way to come out.
My husband took me to the hospital for this procedure. I really don't know why doctors tell you a time to be there, when you know good and well that this isn't the time you will be seen. Same for this day. I showed up at 12:30 and didn't get seen til 1:30. And remember, I haven't eaten anything since the day before, so I was really hangry. For some reason they had trouble with my IV, something about being dehydrated from the prep and my veins decided to hide, so this delayed it longer. Finally, they got the IV after about 4 needle sticks and off to the suite where I will lose my virginity. The doctor was sweet and had a nice smile, and he said he would be gentle.
Then, I woke up. That's all I remember. And my reward. A giant hamburger! It was the best burger I have had.
My doctor tells me that everything looked good and the report on the polyp they found is negative for anything bad. This is good. I wasn't even thinking about anything like that until afterward when he said he found that polyp. I'm glad, because I would have obsessed over it. Once you have gone through the cancer diagnosis, everything is an obsession if it could be something like this again. Well, I don't have to do this again for another 10 years, hallelujah!
So, if it is your time to have this done, my advice prepared. It is an experience like no other. Don't be afraid, your God will be with you, and will be with you when you get your results.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Love to all,
Friday, October 5, 2018
I’m sorry
Yep, I’m normal, human. And I lost it. I mean, I didn’t hold it together this week. I thought I had it together, but I found that I can’t be in control of everything. If you know me, I HAVE to be in control! I am learning to let go of a lot of things, but sometimes I don’t and that is when I just loose it. So this week it happened again. And yes, I cried, and not a pretty one, it was ugly. I had another teaching moment from my father (God). It really stings to accept this discipline and it is so humbling. And my witness for him wasn’t there, at all.
At this womens’ conference this past week, we were challenged to have a “word of the year”. So I decided not to wait til January, but pick one now. The word that keeps creeping to me is Joy. I feel I have lost my Joy and need to study this and have it back in my life. So this week that is exactly what I am doing. True Joy means nurturing a deep longing for God. I have not had that for a long time and I want that back. I know God will bring Joy back into my life. I am a work in progress. A quote fro C.S Lewis- “I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesus, when we meet him face-to-face, opens the books and allows us to see the good things from our lives with a greater clarity than when we first experienced them. Such speculation is not wild theology. It is near to the heart of the Bible. After all, Jesus said that the Father knows you so well- better than you know yourself, in fact.”
So I know I am forgiven and I just have to get back up and start today anew. God is guiding me.
So, I would like to say, I’m sorry, to those that had to witness this. Just know, I am human and I will try better today.
Colossians 3:2-3; Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For y ou died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Love to all,
At this womens’ conference this past week, we were challenged to have a “word of the year”. So I decided not to wait til January, but pick one now. The word that keeps creeping to me is Joy. I feel I have lost my Joy and need to study this and have it back in my life. So this week that is exactly what I am doing. True Joy means nurturing a deep longing for God. I have not had that for a long time and I want that back. I know God will bring Joy back into my life. I am a work in progress. A quote fro C.S Lewis- “I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesus, when we meet him face-to-face, opens the books and allows us to see the good things from our lives with a greater clarity than when we first experienced them. Such speculation is not wild theology. It is near to the heart of the Bible. After all, Jesus said that the Father knows you so well- better than you know yourself, in fact.”
So I know I am forgiven and I just have to get back up and start today anew. God is guiding me.
So, I would like to say, I’m sorry, to those that had to witness this. Just know, I am human and I will try better today.
Colossians 3:2-3; Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For y ou died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Love to all,
Monday, September 24, 2018
When God shows he listens
Do you sometimes wonder if God hears you? Or if he is listening to you? Do you pray the same things over and over and wonder if he is answering your prayers? Well, I do. And sometimes I do not know if he has answered them because I may be praying for someone in another country or for a patient or their family and may not see them again.
But I do pray steadily for my family and my kids. Especially since they are in DC. So here is the story........
Erin went out with some of her classmates to go complete a "field trip" assignment. They were going to take the metro but decided to take an uber instead. When they told the uber driver where they needed to go, he asked them if they knew where they were going and if they knew about that part of the city. He said that this was the worse part of town and they should google it. So they did. And it is a VERY BAD part of DC. They told him they were originally going to take the metro and he told them that they probably would not have made it home safely if at all.
I am so very blessed for that uber driver that was placed in Erin's path. It could have been someone else just looking for a payout and not their safety, and who knows what would have happened. God was there, protecting her which in turn protected Tyler because he was suppose to go out later that day for the same thing. He didn't go. She came home.
I pray for their safety and for protection everyday. I may not know how God is doing his work to answer my prayers, but I know this.....He is watching over them.
Psalm 121:8- The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Psalms 18:32- It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.
Love to all,
But I do pray steadily for my family and my kids. Especially since they are in DC. So here is the story........
Erin went out with some of her classmates to go complete a "field trip" assignment. They were going to take the metro but decided to take an uber instead. When they told the uber driver where they needed to go, he asked them if they knew where they were going and if they knew about that part of the city. He said that this was the worse part of town and they should google it. So they did. And it is a VERY BAD part of DC. They told him they were originally going to take the metro and he told them that they probably would not have made it home safely if at all.
I am so very blessed for that uber driver that was placed in Erin's path. It could have been someone else just looking for a payout and not their safety, and who knows what would have happened. God was there, protecting her which in turn protected Tyler because he was suppose to go out later that day for the same thing. He didn't go. She came home.
I pray for their safety and for protection everyday. I may not know how God is doing his work to answer my prayers, but I know this.....He is watching over them.
Psalm 121:8- The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Psalms 18:32- It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.
Love to all,
Monday, August 27, 2018
Starting over....again...
We are starting over yet again. By this, I mean, the kids are gone again and I have to get use to them being gone all over again. Except this time is different. I have to get use to them being gone for 3 months in DC. I don’t have the luxury of going to see them any time I want. I feel this is a trial for me to have to get use to them being adults. At least God is doing this in portions and not all at once. So we drove to DC last week to move them in. That drive was so long! I learned that I do not like driving the big Dodge Ram truck down mountain hills, and that West Virginia has a lot of mountains and not enough places to pull over for breaks! Only saw one Cracker Barrel, yes just one! Well, we got them moved in and it was the hardest thing I had to do was to leave. And yes, in case you are wondering, I did cry. And Robby laughed at me. I don’t care. That’s my babies, all grown up, doing adult things.
Well, we came home Saturday and I don’t think Robby wanted me to drive after the whole WV mountain experience driving down, so he drove most of the way home.
So now its back to our normal stuff. And as you would expect, I have already called them, last night. Ty starts work today and Erin doesn’t start until next week. It seems like they are settling in and my worries are starting to go away.
Philippians 4:6- Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And that is what I have done.

Love to all,
Well, we came home Saturday and I don’t think Robby wanted me to drive after the whole WV mountain experience driving down, so he drove most of the way home.
So now its back to our normal stuff. And as you would expect, I have already called them, last night. Ty starts work today and Erin doesn’t start until next week. It seems like they are settling in and my worries are starting to go away.
Philippians 4:6- Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And that is what I have done.
Love to all,
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Being a parent
Being a parent is a tough job. I have a lot of friends that are just now starting their families and I just want to say, savor every minute.
My kids can be frustrating! It has been different things throughout them growing up. As kids they would just throw their clothes and toys or other things all over the house. Hey, wait a minute, they still do that!!! I am sure, matter of fact I know, I have caused frustration with my parents. But we are not talking about me!
I wouldn't trade anything for the times I have with them. The times we talk or argue, the times we have hugged, the times I play with Erin's hair or trade back rubs with Ty, or just sitting in the living room, all of us together, not having to say a word. This is my family. I love my family.
I am now, yet again, sending them off again to school this week. The difference is this: 1- they are seniors this year and 2- this fall semester they are spending in DC. I am so happy they have the opportunities to experience life if full while they can before the "real" world comes. But why does it have to be so far? and why do our kids have to grow up so fast!
Whirlwind back in time with me~~ my kids are 4, I put them to bed every night. And every night I rock them in their rooms and sing to them. Just me and them, individually, sitting, snuggling. I remember this like yesterday! They are in chorus and band concerts, playing and singing their hearts out. I am in the passenger seat, teaching them how to parallel park in an empty parking lot. And so many more memories that I don't ever want to forget. I hope I have given them many memories too.
So as sad as my heart is knowing I am going to have to let go yet again, my heart is full, because I know I have raised my kids to be an amazing man and woman of God.
Psalm 55:22- "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken."
Love to all,
My kids can be frustrating! It has been different things throughout them growing up. As kids they would just throw their clothes and toys or other things all over the house. Hey, wait a minute, they still do that!!! I am sure, matter of fact I know, I have caused frustration with my parents. But we are not talking about me!
I wouldn't trade anything for the times I have with them. The times we talk or argue, the times we have hugged, the times I play with Erin's hair or trade back rubs with Ty, or just sitting in the living room, all of us together, not having to say a word. This is my family. I love my family.
I am now, yet again, sending them off again to school this week. The difference is this: 1- they are seniors this year and 2- this fall semester they are spending in DC. I am so happy they have the opportunities to experience life if full while they can before the "real" world comes. But why does it have to be so far? and why do our kids have to grow up so fast!
Whirlwind back in time with me~~ my kids are 4, I put them to bed every night. And every night I rock them in their rooms and sing to them. Just me and them, individually, sitting, snuggling. I remember this like yesterday! They are in chorus and band concerts, playing and singing their hearts out. I am in the passenger seat, teaching them how to parallel park in an empty parking lot. And so many more memories that I don't ever want to forget. I hope I have given them many memories too.
So as sad as my heart is knowing I am going to have to let go yet again, my heart is full, because I know I have raised my kids to be an amazing man and woman of God.
Psalm 55:22- "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken."
Love to all,
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
"Sometimes God closes doors because it is time to move forward. He knows you won't move unless circumstances force you." TobyMac #speaklife
I read this today after an eventful day today. I got to meet with our Honduras team leaders today to finalize our dates and plans for 2019 trip! I am so excited that I am a part of this plan and team to go and do this for others. It is a lot of work to plan this out! But worth it all.
But the big thing today was another door was shut and I am not sure why God is closing doors when I am trying to move forward. I applied for a job that I would really like to be in. But it was given to the other applicant. We both were equally qualified for the job, I was just hoping I would be the chosen one. I am not mad or upset, I just want to know what God has in store for me if it isn't to move forward. I need to learn contentment and peace in where I am at and use what I am doing to be a light to others. My job has so many positives.
Even though I was not chosen for the job, God has chosen me for his plan. I have a job, to trust him, listen to him when he talks to me and have the courage to obey. God will open doors for me and it may not be the door I am expecting. But I know it will be an amazing time! He has a plan started for me in my missions trips also. So who knows what he has in store for me or our team!
Disappointment and hardships come in life, but in life there is also happiness and joy. I choose JOY.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Love to all,
I read this today after an eventful day today. I got to meet with our Honduras team leaders today to finalize our dates and plans for 2019 trip! I am so excited that I am a part of this plan and team to go and do this for others. It is a lot of work to plan this out! But worth it all.
But the big thing today was another door was shut and I am not sure why God is closing doors when I am trying to move forward. I applied for a job that I would really like to be in. But it was given to the other applicant. We both were equally qualified for the job, I was just hoping I would be the chosen one. I am not mad or upset, I just want to know what God has in store for me if it isn't to move forward. I need to learn contentment and peace in where I am at and use what I am doing to be a light to others. My job has so many positives.
Even though I was not chosen for the job, God has chosen me for his plan. I have a job, to trust him, listen to him when he talks to me and have the courage to obey. God will open doors for me and it may not be the door I am expecting. But I know it will be an amazing time! He has a plan started for me in my missions trips also. So who knows what he has in store for me or our team!
Disappointment and hardships come in life, but in life there is also happiness and joy. I choose JOY.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Love to all,
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Ups and Downs
There is always ups and downs when you have a health issue. I have had many ups throughout this last 6 years but some downs. Right now is a down. My dexa scan, bone scan, has gotten worse. The medication that I have to take for my breast cancer, causes your bones to lose bone mass. Well, that is what has happened. The solution is to take yet another medication to help with the bone loss. But of course, I am always different! I cannot take these meds because of what it can do to your jaw bone. I have problems with my teeth and have had trouble for a long time. So with this problem, that excludes me from taking anything like this. The plan that was given to me....stop the letrozole and restart the tamoxifen. Thats my only option. Or take nothing. The tamoxifen has a property that will help with the bone loss and repair it over time.
I was really dreading going back to the Oncologist. I have a good doctor, but I really don't like seeing him. To me, it is just a reminder of what I have gone through and sometimes I just want to live in the denial that it ever happened. But in life, that is dangerous, to live in denial. I will let you know, that I was nice and was not argumentative with my doctor. I have been told that I do not know everything and need to listen to him. I feel that person is wrong who told me this because don't you think I know everything??? (haha it was my husband) but he does know me all to well!
I really wish I didn't have to take any medications. I wish I didn't have to experience breast cancer or the after math that you have to go through. But I know there is a reason why I went through this trial. I have learned a lot, and have learned to trust people that I really didn't want to (like doctors, haha). But my greatest lesson I learned was faith in my God. He has held me throughout all this and will never leave me.
All trials we go through, we can learn lessons to make us stronger.
Have faith.
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23.
Love to all,
I was really dreading going back to the Oncologist. I have a good doctor, but I really don't like seeing him. To me, it is just a reminder of what I have gone through and sometimes I just want to live in the denial that it ever happened. But in life, that is dangerous, to live in denial. I will let you know, that I was nice and was not argumentative with my doctor. I have been told that I do not know everything and need to listen to him. I feel that person is wrong who told me this because don't you think I know everything??? (haha it was my husband) but he does know me all to well!
I really wish I didn't have to take any medications. I wish I didn't have to experience breast cancer or the after math that you have to go through. But I know there is a reason why I went through this trial. I have learned a lot, and have learned to trust people that I really didn't want to (like doctors, haha). But my greatest lesson I learned was faith in my God. He has held me throughout all this and will never leave me.
All trials we go through, we can learn lessons to make us stronger.
Have faith.
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23.
Love to all,
Monday, June 25, 2018
Just another day
Nothing really going on. Just another day. I feel I should be doing something more. Not sure what though. Whether it is a job, task, or craft or just getting out meeting people at work or church.
I have been busy making pickles. It is that time of the year again. It makes me happy that I have one or two things that I am really good at and making pickles is one of them. I have been really busy in the kitchen with them. But all the work is for a good cause, to raise money for my Honduras medical mission trips. I always struggled in the past with finding the funds for my trip and now God has shown me a means to raise that money. And it is even more important since I am conducting the medical clinics. The way God uses our team to witness to others through the care we give them in the clinics, well, it's an amazing site. Don't get me wrong, my family is important to me. But I feel this is important to me also.
So I will not ramble on any more for now. But, if you feel the tug of God pulling you in a direction, don't ignore it. Be courageous and step out in faith. God has something wonderful to show you.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 1Peter 2:21
Love to all,
I have been busy making pickles. It is that time of the year again. It makes me happy that I have one or two things that I am really good at and making pickles is one of them. I have been really busy in the kitchen with them. But all the work is for a good cause, to raise money for my Honduras medical mission trips. I always struggled in the past with finding the funds for my trip and now God has shown me a means to raise that money. And it is even more important since I am conducting the medical clinics. The way God uses our team to witness to others through the care we give them in the clinics, well, it's an amazing site. Don't get me wrong, my family is important to me. But I feel this is important to me also.
So I will not ramble on any more for now. But, if you feel the tug of God pulling you in a direction, don't ignore it. Be courageous and step out in faith. God has something wonderful to show you.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 1Peter 2:21
Love to all,
Saturday, May 12, 2018
What's zuppp
What's up with you all?? How has your pre-summer going? I am loving this weather! It is finally here. Starting to get the pool in gear for summer and breaking out the summer clothes.
Well, my mammogram came back clean! Praise God. I freak out and worry every time I have to get one each year. I know I shouldn't but the human in me does. I just don't want to repeat what I had to endure 6 years ago. YES, that is what I said. IT HAS BEEN 6 YEARS SINCE MY DIAGNOSIS! So far so good. I have 4 more years until the doctors release me. What a wonderful feeling this is for me. So this is why I try to enjoy life whenever I can. I enjoy my life with my family and friends every minute God gives me.
My devo today was about breathing and I'm reminded that to "be alive we first inhale God's spirit and then we exhale praise. Inhale spirit, exhale praise. This is life". and that is what I am trying to do.
This is the rhythm we all should have in our life.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6
Love to all,
Well, my mammogram came back clean! Praise God. I freak out and worry every time I have to get one each year. I know I shouldn't but the human in me does. I just don't want to repeat what I had to endure 6 years ago. YES, that is what I said. IT HAS BEEN 6 YEARS SINCE MY DIAGNOSIS! So far so good. I have 4 more years until the doctors release me. What a wonderful feeling this is for me. So this is why I try to enjoy life whenever I can. I enjoy my life with my family and friends every minute God gives me.
My devo today was about breathing and I'm reminded that to "be alive we first inhale God's spirit and then we exhale praise. Inhale spirit, exhale praise. This is life". and that is what I am trying to do.
This is the rhythm we all should have in our life.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6
Love to all,
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
When did I get old?
When did I get old? I mean, I just look down and one day I feel young and then today I feel old. I looked down at my hand today while driving home and this is what I see.
I don't know when it happened, but all I know is that I was young yesterday and today I have wrinkles. Now, don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad thing, because I know that is just how life is. BUT, it just came on me so fast. I look in the mirror and still see me at 22 yr, getting ready to get married, with all these big dreams of how my life is going to be. Then I blinked. And now it is 28 years later. WOW. Looking at my life there is so much I still want to do yet there is so much that I have done.
One thing that I know for sure. GOD ISN'T FINISHED WITH ME YET! No matter how old I am. I still have a lot to accomplish.
Eph. 2:10- "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Love to all,
Sunday, April 8, 2018
I'm back
Well, I'm back from an amazing trip to Honduras! Our team did so many wonderful things and we were able to witness to so many people during our stay. I was reunited with some old friends that I consider my family and made some new ones. It was tiring and at times I felt satan trying to stop us, but we were able to overcome. God is so good. I have a you tube video with some pictures for you to view if you want to see more. Follow this link
So now I am back in my world and I must continue on. Every time I return, I always find it hard to go back to my way of life. Back to work, back to bills, back to doctor visits, back to tests. And all this just brings me down sometimes. I had my mammogram and bone density test last week. I am still waiting on the results. But you know what? I am not worried anymore. I trust God will carry me if the results are not what I am looking for and he will celebrate with me if they are good. So I wait, which is hard to do in this world where you want immediate satisfaction. I just remember what I have experienced over the 19 days in Honduras through 7 clinics and the care we gave the people there. There are 2 things that I have taken with me that I will not forget.
1. I was able to witness the anointing of a church that is new and be a part of the first service they had in it. I was there in that town 2 years ago when they didn't have an evangelical church and didn't know of Jesus. I was a part of the start of this wonderful work of God and to see it come to the completion of the church is-- well there are no words for the emotion for this experience.
2. My next memory is what keeps resonating throughout all the clinics- a mom would say "I have to choose between feeding my children or getting them medicine." This is how poor. They have no insurance, no healthcare like we do, no support. It makes me so sick of how my life is with a cabinet full of medicine and they cannot get the basic medicines. My prayer is for their health and wellbeing.
And this is why I go. Every year. To help those who need it. Yes we have needs here in the US, but I feel God pulling my heart to Honduras. To show them God's love and compassion where it is needed too. There is so many scripture on missions- here is a few.
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.”
–John 20:21 (NIV)
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
–Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
–Psalm 105:1 (NIV)
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
–Luke 10:2 (NIV)
Love to all,
So now I am back in my world and I must continue on. Every time I return, I always find it hard to go back to my way of life. Back to work, back to bills, back to doctor visits, back to tests. And all this just brings me down sometimes. I had my mammogram and bone density test last week. I am still waiting on the results. But you know what? I am not worried anymore. I trust God will carry me if the results are not what I am looking for and he will celebrate with me if they are good. So I wait, which is hard to do in this world where you want immediate satisfaction. I just remember what I have experienced over the 19 days in Honduras through 7 clinics and the care we gave the people there. There are 2 things that I have taken with me that I will not forget.
1. I was able to witness the anointing of a church that is new and be a part of the first service they had in it. I was there in that town 2 years ago when they didn't have an evangelical church and didn't know of Jesus. I was a part of the start of this wonderful work of God and to see it come to the completion of the church is-- well there are no words for the emotion for this experience.
2. My next memory is what keeps resonating throughout all the clinics- a mom would say "I have to choose between feeding my children or getting them medicine." This is how poor. They have no insurance, no healthcare like we do, no support. It makes me so sick of how my life is with a cabinet full of medicine and they cannot get the basic medicines. My prayer is for their health and wellbeing.
And this is why I go. Every year. To help those who need it. Yes we have needs here in the US, but I feel God pulling my heart to Honduras. To show them God's love and compassion where it is needed too. There is so many scripture on missions- here is a few.
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.”
–John 20:21 (NIV)
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
–Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
–Psalm 105:1 (NIV)
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
–Luke 10:2 (NIV)
Love to all,
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Never fear
Never fear. God tells us to not fear many times in the Bible. He actually tells us this 365 times! Amazing! I should never doubt his guidance for me in all that I do. Looking back at the planning of our Honduras mission trip, I was starting to get scared of many things.....having enough nurses for the clinics, raising the money for my expenses and the expenses for the clinics, the climate of the country post elections and lots of other fears.
BUT GOD... (I love that phrase!) He has shown me that when I pray and put my trust in him, he will show me his love and guide me.
My fears are gone, money has been raised and covered all expenses for the medications and supplies, Nurses have signed up and going for the clinics!
I still am a little cautious of the climate of the country and this will be my first time going by MYSELF for the first part of the trip. I hope I don't get too home sick! Erin will be joining me the second part.
It is easy to say that I should not be afraid in any part of my life, but I am afraid in a lot of things I do. That is part of being human. You might see me mouthing a few little words (saying a prayer) before I do something like starting an IV at work or asking God to control my temper when at Walmart! I was really praying when I sent my kids off on the airplane overseas to study abroad, by themselves. That was really scary for me! Then looking back, I can see that God was right there with me and held my hand through it all.
Isaiah 41:13 says, For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Love to all,
BUT GOD... (I love that phrase!) He has shown me that when I pray and put my trust in him, he will show me his love and guide me.
My fears are gone, money has been raised and covered all expenses for the medications and supplies, Nurses have signed up and going for the clinics!
I still am a little cautious of the climate of the country and this will be my first time going by MYSELF for the first part of the trip. I hope I don't get too home sick! Erin will be joining me the second part.
It is easy to say that I should not be afraid in any part of my life, but I am afraid in a lot of things I do. That is part of being human. You might see me mouthing a few little words (saying a prayer) before I do something like starting an IV at work or asking God to control my temper when at Walmart! I was really praying when I sent my kids off on the airplane overseas to study abroad, by themselves. That was really scary for me! Then looking back, I can see that God was right there with me and held my hand through it all.
Isaiah 41:13 says, For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Love to all,
Sunday, January 28, 2018
packing has started!
Packing for my Honduras trip has started!! It looks as if I will need extra bags for our supplies this year. This is a good thing, because with all the help from everyone's donations, we are able to take supplies that we found last year we didn't have. Things we take for granted like sunscreen, lip balm, and muscle cream to name a few. If we can avoid giving medications for problems the people we are treating by giving them something to help them prevent problems, then they will be better for it.
Just a background on what we are going to be doing and what we will be treating.
Our team will be conducting 6-8 medical clinics. We will be treating young babies all the way up to the elderly. We will see a lot of respiratory issues, skin issues, wounds, as well as illness like CHF, CAD. A lot of prevention education is given also. Education on nutrition, wellness, and just normal body issues with the teenagers as they grow and with young women that are pregnant.
I just want to give a big thank you to everyone that has helped with donations whether it be money or supplies. It will all be used for God's purpose and plan.
It's not to late to help out! If you want to donate money for supplies or my expenses, you can still do so. I will be leaving on March 7th and will return on March 25th. Continue to pray for our team, for the country of Honduras and for everyone's safety. Pray that God will work through us to shine his light on them.
I am excited and blessed that I am able to go again this year. I am thankful that I am able to not only travel abroad to serve God, but I also am able to help locally for HIS will. I will continue to answer HIS calling as long as HE keeps calling me.
A call for all my nursing friends! If this interest you in any way, let me know. Our team is always looking for nurses, nurse practitioners and even Doctors to be on our team. Start planning now, raising/saving your money for next year. Connect with me and I can give you more information.
John 1:12 says, But to all who believed him and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God. If we do not spread the love and word of God to those who do not know, then how will they become children of God? It is up to us, believers, saved through Christ, to go and give this good news to all the peoples so they may be saved.
And whatever you do,whether in word or deed, do it all int he name of the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17
Love to all,

Just a background on what we are going to be doing and what we will be treating.
Our team will be conducting 6-8 medical clinics. We will be treating young babies all the way up to the elderly. We will see a lot of respiratory issues, skin issues, wounds, as well as illness like CHF, CAD. A lot of prevention education is given also. Education on nutrition, wellness, and just normal body issues with the teenagers as they grow and with young women that are pregnant.
I just want to give a big thank you to everyone that has helped with donations whether it be money or supplies. It will all be used for God's purpose and plan.
It's not to late to help out! If you want to donate money for supplies or my expenses, you can still do so. I will be leaving on March 7th and will return on March 25th. Continue to pray for our team, for the country of Honduras and for everyone's safety. Pray that God will work through us to shine his light on them.
I am excited and blessed that I am able to go again this year. I am thankful that I am able to not only travel abroad to serve God, but I also am able to help locally for HIS will. I will continue to answer HIS calling as long as HE keeps calling me.
A call for all my nursing friends! If this interest you in any way, let me know. Our team is always looking for nurses, nurse practitioners and even Doctors to be on our team. Start planning now, raising/saving your money for next year. Connect with me and I can give you more information.
John 1:12 says, But to all who believed him and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God. If we do not spread the love and word of God to those who do not know, then how will they become children of God? It is up to us, believers, saved through Christ, to go and give this good news to all the peoples so they may be saved.
And whatever you do,whether in word or deed, do it all int he name of the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17
Love to all,

Friday, January 19, 2018
having faith
I'm trying. To keep faith and trust. I trust God to provide for me. But I have doubt at times. In the past, it has been tested with my illness, with me raising my children, with my job among other things. God has always shown me that if I put all my worries on him, he will provide.
Right now, for me, it's my mission trip. So far, God has blessed me beyond measure in the planning and preparing for the clinics and the trip. But I still need about $600 more for my expenses. I have been fund raising with some items that I make and will continue to do this after my trip for next year.
But this is a slow process. I just want to everything to fall into place right now. I have trouble with the wait game!
Our team will be conducting a total of 7-8 medical clinics along with some minor construction on a few of the newer churches. We hope to have a couple of children services and a women's service also.
For those that have supported me, THANK YOU! Everyone, please pray for our team and the trip and continue to pray while we are there. God has many plans for each of us, and I feel his calling going abroad and helping the Lenca people in Honduras with the clinics.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do in the name of the Lord Jesus." Colossians 3:17
Love to all,
Right now, for me, it's my mission trip. So far, God has blessed me beyond measure in the planning and preparing for the clinics and the trip. But I still need about $600 more for my expenses. I have been fund raising with some items that I make and will continue to do this after my trip for next year.
But this is a slow process. I just want to everything to fall into place right now. I have trouble with the wait game!
Our team will be conducting a total of 7-8 medical clinics along with some minor construction on a few of the newer churches. We hope to have a couple of children services and a women's service also.
For those that have supported me, THANK YOU! Everyone, please pray for our team and the trip and continue to pray while we are there. God has many plans for each of us, and I feel his calling going abroad and helping the Lenca people in Honduras with the clinics.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do in the name of the Lord Jesus." Colossians 3:17
Love to all,
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