Monday, May 4, 2020

losing control

Do you ever feel like you are not in control? I mean, it can be the smallest of things or the biggest of things. What is a big decision or task for me may be small to you. Sometimes, I think, just getting through life is difficult. Frustrations like trying to get my kids to help me clean the house or just do the dishes. Frustrations like not being able to see my family during this covid crisis. Frustrations like why haven't I won the lottery yet!

As I listened to my daily devotion this morning on my drive into work, I was reminded of a few things but one big thing that I heard is that I AM NOT IN CONTROL. We don't get to control our circumstances, but we CAN decide on how we react to them and it is our choice on how we handle them also. So when the kids won't help me clean the house, it isn't going to do me any good getting mad. All that will do will raise my BP and cause me to be mad and I still have to clean by myself. But if I give it and not react, I can put in my ear buds and clean away in my little music world. (And I can sing and not worry how I sound to them because in my mind I sound like Mariah Carey!)

We have to not focus on the problem. When we put all our energy into the problem, then all your focus is on that problem. We can change that by seeing the opportunity in every difficulty.
I know when I face a fear or difficult time in my life, I will pray to God and tell him my troubles. But a different way of looking at this is to stop telling God about your problems and tell your problems about God. God already knows your problems, insecurities, fears. See your potential to overcome your problems by facing the fears and not backing down but stepping into it. 

This is what being a hero, (or she-ro) is.

John 16:33 gives us a promise: "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

Love to all,

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