Wednesday, July 3, 2024


I am super-pumped and super-excited about this week! Not only is it Independence celebration weekend, but it is also the long weekend I have a girls trip with my girl! She has some exciting sites we will see when we are in Colorado. It isn't long enough but I will enjoy every minute! I will report out next week!

You know, we all need to slow down and enjoy our family and friends, enjoy life. Life is too short to be bothered with all the busy work of house cleaning, pool cleaning, bathroom cleaning. I guess you can tell I don't like to clean! But also this includes work. If you have a job that takes you away from your family and time enjoying life, then you need to evaluate this. NOTHING should be taking you away from time spent with yourself or your family, kids, spouse or S/O.  Not even making/canning pickles.

So I encourage you, and I need to be more consistent with my own advice. I am a work in progress. Here is it (the advice I was talking about):

1. Take time to look around at the beauty and colors in this world. See the beauty in everything.

2. Clock out when your work day is done. 8 hours. or 12 if you are a nurse! Your job will be there tomorrow with the same work waiting for you.

3. Put down the electronics. Be present and in the moment. Get off social media, turn off the TV.

4. Take joy in the small things. A laugh, a good meal, a touch or hug. And even an encouraging word or text (hint, hint to my kiddos!)

5. Give love and grace to all. We are all human and sinners. We are all doing this thing called life. And you know what. LIFE IS HARD.  With each others support, we can do.

And finally,

6. Pray in all things. The good and the bad. Touch base with God daily. The first thing you do before you start your day is say "Good morning God". Read his word and be lifted up. 

I guarantee that if you do this, you will be a better person and be more positive. Isn't that what this world needs? More positivity and love.

John 13:34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another". This verse is considered a defining aspect of the Christian faith, calling for love that is selfless, humble, and forgiving.

Love to all, 

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