Friday, July 12, 2024

Me time

I can do it. That is what I kept telling myself. And sometimes I have to tell myself this everyday! I can do it, I can do today, I am strong. Well, I AM strong! And I should not let anyone tell me any different.

This past week I was an overcomer. I had to overcome a lot and I challenged myself in activities that I never thought I would be able to accomplishment.  Let me start from the beginning.

I went on vacation with my daughter to Colorado Springs. She made all the plans of activities and we had a fabulous time. I want to share my experience with you and let you know that you too can be an overcomer.

Day one: we went to the Garden of the gods. I would recommend that to everyone. It was magnificent and amazing to see the wonderful nature that God has given us. You just can't put it into words and I couldn't stop looking up at the rock formations. It truly was amazing. Then we went off trail and hiked the trails around the rocks. That was an experience. I am a 56 yo women with my young athletic daughter hiking trails. She was patient with me and let me take breaks and walk slow at times. And I was slow. I pushed myself and I did it! 

Day 2: we went to the Gorge and rode the gondola. We were 12,000 feet above the ground. There was this false sense of security because we were enclosed in the gondola. But it was a beautiful site to see below.  Along the side of the river is the train tracks!

Day 3: This was the test! We went to 7 falls and it was beautiful as well. I found out that I have a tendency for panic attack with heights. We had to climb the very long, see through stair case to the top. Half way up I realized how far up I was on this rickety stairs, and I start to panic. I made it, but when at the top I realized the only way down is back down those stairs! My daughter thought a hike through one of the trails at the top of the falls would keep my mind off of that and give me a break from the stair climb. So off we go! We decided to take the trail to the top, they called it inspiration point. So on our way.....up...and up.... I had to start my HR monitor on my watch because I could feel my heart pounding and HR go up. I checked and it was in the 170's!! I was giving myself a stress test!! Well, needless to say, I didn't make it up to the top. My daughter was very understanding. We got almost to the top but not quite to the top. She turned around and went back down with me. I think I gave her the excuse to come back down! It was a tough hike!  (the picture below is the steep trail!)
So now, after the hike, we made it back to the falls and those dreaded stairs. I took a deep breath and started down. My daughter was behind me and she was a big help. She told me to look at my feet, don't look up and she would guide me. She would say "step, step, step, step," to keep a cadence and keep my mind off of how far up we were.  Well, I MADE IT!! 
OVERCOMER! That is what we both did. My daughter had a panic attack the day before when we had to watch across the suspension bridge at the gorge. She said that today, she had to be the strong one because we couldn't both have a panic attack at the same time! 

(the bridge going down)
This was a great trip. I did a lot that I didn't think I would do. I survived hiking, heights and very long walks. 
God's creation is so beautiful and must be experienced. Whether it is on vacation or just in your back yard. Look with intention and  see what is around you. You will not be disappointed. 

Psalms 139:14: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Love to all,

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