Monday, June 10, 2024

Are you empty?

 As I am cleaning my pool, I notice that the water level is low. I can't turn the pump on because it makes this crazy sucking noise, like it is gasping for a breath! So, I have to get the water hose and add more water to it in order to run the pump and clean it. 

How many of you feel like this is your life? You are so empty and not sure how to get filled. We fill our time with social media, games, computers and wonder why we feel the way we do. There is no human interaction anymore. No one wants to call to talk to me, it is all through text arms distance.  We all need human interaction. So many times I have encountered people, distressed, and when I ask if I could pray for them and I place my hand on their shoulder, I can feel their tension. Then, some times, they reach out for a hug or handshake, and that touch means a lot. It says, I care, I am not afraid be human. 

I hear that a hug/human touch helps people with depression and illness. I know that when I hug someone or hold their hand, I am not only helping them, but I get that support as well. You can't help it when you are giving a hug, they will hug you back! I always say, that if I am going to hug you, I will not let go until you are ready. So there have been times that when I have stood there for what seems like an eternity, just giving that love and support. 

I have started to begin my day with God. A short devotion with the verse of the day on the youversion bible app. It doesn't take long, but it sets me up for the day. Helps me focus on positive things and connect with God before I even walk out of the house. Now, I am not going to lie, I am human. I have let things get to me and I do get frustrated. Sometimes, I will just take my lunch break and go for a quick 10 minute walk. The sunshine is a great mood changer and it is great to be alone, away from computers to just think and absorb the nature..birds singing, the bright colors of the trees and grass, cars roaring on the highway! And you are outside, so if you need to let it out, yell. No one will hear you, unless you are in your neighborhood. You may get the neighbors talking. 

I just read that June is Men's mental illness month. Mental illness month IS every month. So many of us experience depression, anxiety, or PTSD and have not identified it yet. We just think it is normal because we have always felt that way. As I have gotten older, I have come to realize it isn't normal and we all need to care for each other. I have experienced so many co-workers and friends commit suicide and I did not even know their struggles. Why didn't I see it? 

John 3:30 says: He must become greater; I must become less. This means that I must empty me of me, in order to fill up with Jesus. We cannot continue in the paths of self-destruction of negativity, self hatred, speaking negative self talk to myself. We cannot continue with actions that hurt us not only physically, but mentally. We must empty our minds of this and allow God to speak to us. This is how I fill up before I am even allowing myself to fill up with any negative thoughts...Go to God Daily. 

The evil one will not like it and will fight for you. The road is tough, the fight and battle is even more hard, but once you get to the other side, there is victory. 

Take notice of things and people around you. Get your head up and look straight ahead. Stop looking down at your phone or computer and take notice of those around you. You may be the only one with the courage to say, how are you and really mean it or offer to you need a hug?

Philippians 4:6-7 in the Bible says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". 

Love to all, 

1 comment:

  1. You said it all correctly. You are much loved. 🥰 I am always here for you. God bless
