Sunday, November 20, 2022

Shoe on the other foot


When did I start to wear others shoes?  I I get older. 
Some things are good to be in the other shoes....they will clean for me, drive me places, you know, those things that youngins' do for us olders.  But when did they get so smart???

It happens that fast, over night. And I am so proud of my 2 youngins'!
My birthday card from Erin was so touching. She said she was proud of me! That is something that a parent tells their kids, not the other way around! But you know what??
I NEEDED TO HEAR THAT, ON THAT DAY!  The day I was turning double nickels. 

Tyler with his big, generous heart. He is helping his nana today with her Christmas cookies so we all will have them this year. He is so kind hearted to help anyone in need. Especially his momma when I need those knots rubbed out of my neck!

I don't know how I got so lucky and blessed, but I thank God for all the blessings he has given me throughout the years. Some of those blessings has been through tears, but they are blessings, nothing less.

During this time of thanksgiving, think about what God has blessed you with in your life. What are you grateful for? 

Psalms 9:1; "I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds."

Love to all,  

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