Sunday, August 21, 2016

all the same

So I was watching this you tube video today from Chris Wark.  He has people who have survived cancer on his you tube "show".  This lady today that I watched was talking about how she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and how her doctor was trying to put her through a whirlwind for treatment.  Unlike me, she chose to get a second opinion and found out that she actually had stage 4 breast cancer.  They told her there was nothing they could do for her.  So she went the holistic approach.  She chose Vit C infusions and supplements and juicing.
There is a few things that got me.  When she talked with her doctor about other treatments, she was told there wasn't any.  That she didn't need to change her diet or take supplements.  She changed to a vegetarian diet and juicing.
My doctor pretty much told me what she was told.  Is doctors that closed minded?  It really shocks me that doctors say they want what is best for their patients but when they are asked for alternative treatments, patients are made to feel stupid when asked about this side of medicine.  I feel that if more patients knew about alternative medicine and investigated it, they would see another side of treatment and see how conventional medicine is hurting people.
Yes, I am a nurse.  But I also have had breast cancer and it hasn't been that long ago when I was treated.  And I do see how conventional medicine helps people.  But there is also a side of medicine that is not even being used and just now starting to get noticed. I think it is worth people to look into before getting treatments.  It took all these years for cancer to show up.  It is not going to go away fast.
This lady on the video, her tumors are gone.  She had stage 4 breast cancer with mets to lung.  Her tumors now are not showing on PET scans and mammograms.  Do I think alternative medicine did all of this? NO, I think God had his hand in this with the treatment, it shows a modern day miracle.
If you want to watch the video go to chrisbeatcancer on you tube, video link:
For all of my friends and anyone reading this, do not let the doctors rush you into treatment. If you need time, take the time to think about your options and look into them. You may decide for chemo and radiation like I did or you may opt for holistic treatment, or maybe even both.  Whatever the decision, it is yours to make.
Just have the faith that God will be with you throughout it all.
Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Love to all,

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