Saturday, December 17, 2022

Quiet quit


Have you heard of this? Quietly quitting. From what I understand, you just do your thing and you ignore everyone else. You don’t help, participate, go out of your way to help. Just do the minimum. 

Sometimes I feel that way but that is not what we are called to do. It’s hard to keeping put your all in when others do not do the same. I have done this…quit the gym  but it isn’t a quiet quit, I straight up did it and sometimes I will visit. It is a love/hate relationship that I need to work on! 

God gave us all a gift. Everyone has a different gift. But if you quit on the gift that God gave you, then you are quitting on yourself. God said to give ourselves fully. So this means teaching our kids to never give up. Being a leader and showing others to persevere through it all. Giving grace to those that just seem to have trouble getting it. Setting that example for others to follow. 

I have always said this and I will say it again…it starts with one. That one is you. You would never give up on your family or your kids. You keep at it. You do this because you want them to succeed. This applies in everything you do. 

So when you feel like quitting , remember, God will never quit you. He is always cheering for you, supporting you, holding you. He will never leave you. 

Deuteronomy 31:8  The Lord himself goes before and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. 

Love to all, 

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