Sunday, March 9, 2025

I'm back!


Well, I am back. Not that I have a lot of followers! But I am sure those who are wondering, where have you been?? 
A lot of things have been going on, one big thing is....we moved and that  has been a life changing experience! We are living back in the city and oh, baby, I can tell I have been away for a while. I miss the quiet, country life. 
The small town feel and friendliness of people. Traffic is cRaZy here! I have to learn to watch from all sides and just pick a lane and stay in it! Today, I was driving to the store and there was a guy that just kept honking his horn. I don't know if it was me or someone else, who knows. 

Our house is a lot different than I am use to. We are renting right now, because we are getting ready to start building a new the country!  This house is temporary and ok but not what we would choose as our forever home. We took a Sunday drive out to the area where we will be living and how I do miss the back, country roads, no traffic and nobody in a stinkin hurry. Makes my heart happy that I have that to look forward too.  Now to figure out where we will do our shopping, because there is not any superstores and only a small family market for groceries! I may have to plant a garden!

And the biggest news of all, I am also changing jobs! I am moving into a position that will allow me to have more time with my family.  This is something that I have taken for granted and I need to concentrate on putting them first, not my job. So I am stepping down and I have never felt more happy about a decision. I am looking forward to this new part of life and getting to know my husband again. 
I know nothing about this new job, as I have never done it before, but I am so excited to learn and grow in a different direction. This is best part about being a nurse, you can do so much and in different areas. You can still help people in many different ways. I LOVE IT! 
    I got my orientation schedule the other day. So weird to get one because for so long I have been making and sending those out.  I can't stop smiling when I think about this new step in my life. 

God has answered so many prayers and has been so patient with me. Sometimes he has to keep giving me signs and putting things and people in my path for me to piece it all together to know what direction to go. I know and trust that he is guiding us and will provide for us and our needs. 

There is more life changing experiences coming my way and I am ready for them!

Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

The Good News: Life is full of ups and downs — moments where we wonder if He has abandoned us. But with His guidance, we can find happiness.

Love to all,

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