Sometimes, your mountain seems so big that you do not know how to get over or around it. Right? And you try to do things yourself only to find that your way isn't the right way. God always has a plan, he just doesn't let us in on it! We only know the ending but not when that ending is going to come. What a sense of humor our God has. I can just imagine him sitting there watching me every day and thinking "what is she going to do today?"
Sorry to be a downer today! It's just been a really hard last 6 months and I feel I have climbed over this mountain to the other side...FINALLY!
When I look back on my life.. of ahem... 57 years, I have experienced so much and have had a lot trials and tribulations. But I have also has so much more goodness, and happiness. And throughout all those trials, God has held me, and led me. I just had to give up the control.
Sometimes we just stay with our mountains, trying to keep the control! Until you just don't have anything else to give. And that is when you realize it is time to hand it over to God. That's what I had to do. I had to stop trying to manage it life, work, family and all the rest in between and just say "Jesus take the wheel"! Once I did that, so much relief flooded my soul. I am happy, smiling, and soon to be enjoying life more.
It just took me a while to see this. You see, for me, it was my work. I have been a nurse for so long. I moved up to management and love it. But I let my job overtake me. I let it consume me. So much that I was neglecting myself and my family. No job should come above God or family. It just took a while to figure out that I can't do this alone and needed help.
So with that, me and my hubs decided it was time for me to step down. I can't tell you how hard that was but how relieved I was at the same time. And the enemy knows this. The enemy is playing on this and now giving me those feelings of guilt. Those feelings of "maybe this was a big mistake", "maybe I made the wrong decision". Have you ever felt that way? I know this isn't the first time and probably won't be the last.
But when I made that decision and my kids are telling me that it's about time, I know that I have failed them and myself. It is time to go forward. Put it behind me and make new memories.
Proverbs 3:5-6; "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Psalm 16:11; "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
1 Peter 5:7; "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you"
Whenever you feel this way, look to God, lean on Jesus and talk with him, every day. Read his word and the promises he gives us. He will guide you and bring you joy. I can speak from experience. Without God, I would be nothing.
Love to all,