Just a background on what we are going to be doing and what we will be treating.
Our team will be conducting 6-8 medical clinics. We will be treating young babies all the way up to the elderly. We will see a lot of respiratory issues, skin issues, wounds, as well as illness like CHF, CAD. A lot of prevention education is given also. Education on nutrition, wellness, and just normal body issues with the teenagers as they grow and with young women that are pregnant.
I just want to give a big thank you to everyone that has helped with donations whether it be money or supplies. It will all be used for God's purpose and plan.
It's not to late to help out! If you want to donate money for supplies or my expenses, you can still do so. I will be leaving on March 7th and will return on March 25th. Continue to pray for our team, for the country of Honduras and for everyone's safety. Pray that God will work through us to shine his light on them.
I am excited and blessed that I am able to go again this year. I am thankful that I am able to not only travel abroad to serve God, but I also am able to help locally for HIS will. I will continue to answer HIS calling as long as HE keeps calling me.
A call for all my nursing friends! If this interest you in any way, let me know. Our team is always looking for nurses, nurse practitioners and even Doctors to be on our team. Start planning now, raising/saving your money for next year. Connect with me and I can give you more information.
John 1:12 says, But to all who believed him and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God. If we do not spread the love and word of God to those who do not know, then how will they become children of God? It is up to us, believers, saved through Christ, to go and give this good news to all the peoples so they may be saved.
And whatever you do,whether in word or deed, do it all int he name of the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17
Love to all,